Factory List
Factory List
Factory List shows information about all
factories (suppliers and consumers of goods) in the current game.
To open
factory List: click on factory-list-tool in
List Management.
{Tips: If items in list are only partially visible, then
re-size Industry/factory List or scroll list using slider-bar.}
Sorted by: has options to determine the order of listed ndustries listed.
Click on buttons to cycle through options (changes name of option-button):
- factory name orders alphabetically by name.
- input orders by input storage capacity.
- output orders by output storage capacity.
- Production orders Industry by production capability.
- Rating orders Industry by status-colour-bar (see below).
- Power orders Industry by electricity supplied.
- ascending / descending reverses order of list.
Click on a item listed in
Factory Listto see more
information about that Industry.
Items listed for each Industry include:
status-colour-bar colours indicate operation of the Industry (also used in
Industry Information):
white: does not require supplements.
yellow: connected by transport, but Industry Supply Chain has poor supply.
green: at optimum status.
orange: operational but improvements possible.
red: operational but part of Industry Supply chain has excess supply.
red-lightning-strike-icon is shown if the Industry has electricity supplied through
In brackets 3 values represent:
current input: amount of goods stored ready to be processed.
current output: amount of goods that are ready for transportation.
total production: production rate of the factory (maximum amount of goods produced per month)