Simutrans InGame Help Online

Inspection Tool

Inspection Tool

Inspection Tool is used to open dialogues that provide information or option-controls for various items.
Click magnifying-glass-icon at top of game-view or press [a] to open Inspection Tool (changes cursor to a magnifying-glass).
To use Inspection Tool: position magnifying-glass-cursor in game-view at required postion and click to open dialogue. If more than one item is at required postion, a further click will open a second dialogue. {Tips: Option to open one dialogue or all dialogues for a given cursor position available in}
Click on following items in game-view with tool to open various dialogues:
Depots - opens controls to purchase and manage vehicles at that depot.
Stops - opens Stop Information for that Stop.
Vehicles - opens ?Convoy/Vehicle Information for that vehicle.
Town Hall - opens City ?Information for that urban area. {Tips: Option to open dialogue providing information about Town Hall available in}
Industry - opens Industry Information for that industry.
City Buildings opens a dialogue that gives information about the building (titlebar of dialogue is 'Building'). Information contained in the dialogue includes:
- description provides information about the building. If no description is available then either 'residential house', or 'industrial building', or 'shops and stores' (for commercial buildings) is shown.
- City of: indicates which urban area the City Building is part of.
- Passenger level: is the relative popularity as a destination for passengers .
- Mail level: is the relative popularity as a destination for mail.
- Appears from: indicates year the building appears if playing with timeline.
- Value:: indicates cost incurred if building is removed with Destroy/Remove Tool.
- Painted by: name of person who drew building for Simutrans
Monuments / Tourist Attractions opens a dialogue that gives information about the attraction (titlebar of dialogue indicates whether it is a monument, or tourist attraction). Information contained in the dialogue includes:
- Public property indicates that item is not owned by a player company.
- description provides information about the attraction.
- Passenger level: is the relative popularity as a destination for passengers .
- Mail level: is the relative popularity as a destination for mail.
- Appears from: indicates year the building appears if playing with timeline.
- Painted by: name of person who drew attraction for Simutrans
Roads and Tracks opens a dialogue that gives information about the Road or Track (titlebar of dialogue indicates what type of way it is - in the case of tram tracks built on road titlebar indicates type of Road).
Information contained in dialogue:
- Max Speed: maximum speed limit allowed on road or track.
- Ribi (unmasked):
is an internal counter that indicates direction of way.
- Ribi (masked): is an internal counter that indicates direction of way taking into consideration any signals or signs.
- with sign/signal is shown if there is a signal or sign present.
- electrified/not electrified indicates whether way is electrified.
- convoi passed last month indicates number of Vehicles that used way in the previous game-calendar-month.
- reserved by indicates which vehicle has reserved a track for use till it has passed.
- wayslope indicates direction of slope if any
- map-coordinates as shown on bottom-bar
In the case of tram tracks constructed on road: information is shown twice, first for the road and then for the tram track.
Signals/Signs opens a dialogue, the titlebar of the dialogue indicates whether it is a signal or a road sign. Information contained in dialogue includes:
- direction ?is an internal counter that indicates direction to which signal applies.
Powerlines / Transformer stations opens dialogue that provides information about electricity supply grid (titlebar of dialogue is 'Power Lines'). Information shown includes current demand and supply.
Trees opens a dialogue (the titlebar is 'Tree'). Information shown includes:
- name which provides species of tree.
- age age of tree in months.
Land opens a dialogue (the titlebar is 'Land'). Information shown includes:
- slope which provides species of tree.
- map co-ordinates as shown in bottom-bar.
{Tips: Option to open dialogues on private road users and pedestrians available in}.
