Simutrans InGame Help Online

Map Window

Map Window

The Map provides a map of the current world giving information on terrain, important locations, and transport networks. It also provides a way to move the view on the world.
Click on map-icon at the top menu or press [m] to open Map, which can be re-sized or minimised. The three topmost buttons enable further options
 Selections show various buttons to overlay further information on the map
 Color Codes shows a min-max colour scale that shows activity level for some of the options.
 Industry List open s table with the colours of industries seen on the map.
The map has different zoom levels: use mouse-wheel, page up/down or the buttons to change them. You can also tilt the map to match the display using the isometric map button.
On the map, water is blue and lower land is darker than higher land. The currently visible part of the world on the screen is indicated by a yellow-square outline. To move this field of vision across the world, left-click on map at desired location or left-click-drag the yellow-square. With right-click drag you can move the area in the map window without using the scrollbars.
On the default map (when not using the options) urban areas and attraction are grey, powerlines turquoise, tunnels are brown, elevated ways light brown, and bridges light grey. On the ground ways have their distinct colors: Roads appear nearly black; rail and tram tracks are dark brown; canals are blue; and runways are dark yellow. All other ways (like narrow gauge, maglev, or monorail tracks) are light red. Stops are red. Vehicles on ways are yellow.
The button Networks will overlay an abstract line network like a subway map over the map. Using the yellow button, you can restrict it to only show passenger, Mail or freight connections.
Using the selection button many additional informations can be overlaid. Those fall in three groups. White and yellow buttons are exclusive and will disable any other white option. Green buttons are for overlays that can be combined with any other. The third group are the red buttons for stops. From this stop group only one can be active at a time.
The following options exist:
Cities names of urban areas.
City Limits show the city limits; new houses and roads are only built inside the city limits.
No. of buildings colors each city building according to its level. The level determines the probability to generate passengers or mail here.
Destinations If a town selected, this option overlays the current passenger destinations (similar to the small map in the City Information.)
Attractions draws circles on the location of tourist attractions. The color and size will indicate the amount of traffic this tourist attractions generates (use min-max scale).
Factories: highlights industry (consumers and suppliers). If this overlay is active and the mouse pointer hovers over an industry on map, it will show the name and white lines linking customers; hold down [Shift] to show red line to suppliers. The color is the color of the industry can be seen fro the Industry List.
Passengers colors the catchment area for passengers by Stops with the color of the respective owner. If the network overlay is active, it will only show passenger connections.
Mail colors catchment area for mail by Stops with the color of the respective owner. If the network overlay is active, it will only show passenger connections.
Freightlevel of goods and passengers transported on alls ways (uses min-max scale). If the network overlay is active, it will only show freight connections.
Stop Status (and all following red options) highlight the stops by circles. Stop Status color indicate how overcrowded a stop is. The same colour is shown in status-colour-bars in Station List, in the Stop Information, Line Management and finally in the color-bar above the name of a stop. The size indicates the capacity of a stop for passengers.
Waiting shows the amount of passengers, mail and goods waiting for transport at a Stop. Color as and size indicate the amount waiting (uses min-max scale).
Queing shows how much the amount of passengers, mail and goods waiting has changed within this month. The size indicates the total change, while the colors are green for decreasing and red for increasing (uses min-max scale).
Service color and size indicate how many vehicles served a station in this months (uses min-max scale).
Transfers size and color indicate how many arrived/departed at a station (uses min-max scale).
Origin color and size show how many passengers and mail wanted to start their journey at a Stop, i.e. the sum of happy, unhappy and no route passengers (uses min-max scale).
Traffic colors ways by the number of vehicles passed within a month (uses min-max scale).
Tracks rail amd tram tracks, bridges, and tunnels are shown as white (red if electrified). Signals are shown as yellow.
Speed Limit colors all ways with respect to their maximum speed allowed (uses min-max scale).
Depots highlights depots. Colors indicate transport types: ship, yellow; road, orange; rail, red; aircraft, green; trams, blue; and monorail, grey.
Powerlines show the load on power transmission lines.
Forest shows forests in bright green.
Ownership colors all things on the map with the color of their owner (orange for unowned).
