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Spanish | EspaƱol -> Links -> airtools --- baum_build --- bridges --- chat --- citybuilding_build --- citygrowth --- citylist_filter --- citywindow --- climates --- color --- convoi --- convoi_filter --- convoidetail --- convoiinfo --- curiosity_build --- curiositylist_filter --- depot --- depotlist --- display --- edittools --- enlarge_map --- factory_build --- factorylist_filter --- finances --- general --- goods_filter --- haltlist --- haltlist_filter --- industry_info --- inspection_tool --- jump_frame --- labellist_filter --- language --- linedetails --- linemanagement --- list --- load --- load_relief --- mailbox --- mainmenu --- map --- monorailtools --- mouse --- new_world --- options --- password --- player_ranking --- players --- privatesign_info --- railtools --- removal_tool --- roadtools --- save --- scenario --- schedule --- server --- settings --- shiptools --- signal_spacing --- signals --- simutrans --- slopetools --- sound --- special --- station --- station_details --- trafficlight_info --- tramtools --- underground --- vehiclelist --- window ---
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